Thursday, February 23, 2023

Film Opening Project: Target Audience

 What Audience Are We Appealing To?

    Hey everyone! After careful consideration on how to clarify the approach that me and Natalia have towards the film opening project, we decided that it is very important to talk about our target audience. As you all now know, we have chosen to go with the genre of drama, and in order to make sure that our film can be successful in the media world, we did some research on our target audience in order to be able to come off as more appealing. 

What is a Target Audience? Why is knowing this important?

    Like the name may suggest, a target audience is a group of people that the media text is aimed towards. In order to make fitting adjustments to our plan for the film opening, it is necessary to identify our target audience so we are aware of how exactly we should be marketing our film. Identifying our target audience can determine how successful the production will be, whether or not the film will make or break in the media world. 

Who is our Target Audience? 

    Since our genre is drama, drama tends to rely on emotional appeal, which is why our target audience leans more towards women, since a variety of themes relating to dramatic ideas like romance and tragedy tend to be highlighted more by women in comparison to men. As for the age aspect of our target audience, it would be from women of ages 16-30, because it is around this time wear people tend to change from teens to adults and mature throughout this age range. 
    Also, drama tends to have several sub genres, including romance and inspirational stories, which are two of the more popular sub genres. For this reason, women from the ages 16-30 tend to experience these aspects in life mainly during this period of their lives, which is why our inspirational drama film would be appealing to this audience, making them our target audience.  

How Will This Affect the Rest of the Process?

    Since our target audience is on the younger side, the majority of the marketing process of our production would have to take place through social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok. The reason why I feel that it is important to mention this now is because in a few weeks me and Natalia have to begin considering what we will be writing for the CCR, since it asks about the distribution of our production. However, this isn't the current thing I should be worried about, but it is something that we need to keep in mind for later. 
    Anyways, that should hopefully help create more of an idea towards me and Natalia's research on our target audience. So, stay tuned for my next update on this journey!


“Audience Expectations and Target Audience.” A2 Media Studies, 2014, 

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Film Opening

  Film Opening     Hey everyone! Here's the link to the final film opening! Film Opening